Friday, March 31, 2006
Cornerstone Bible Study - 3/31: "Whoever fears God and does what is right is acceptable to Him"
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Acts: 9:31, Angela will lead
- Date/Time: 3/31 (Friday) 8:00pm
- 8-8:30pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly
- Snacks: The Holy Spirit will bring the Word of God for us to feast on
(no snacks as our Lenten sacrifice)
In the attached email from Tony, please find Fr. Chu's latest health condition. Please keep father in your prayers. There is also a special request to pray at 10:00pm daily this week for the special intention of Fr. Chu's peace, health and mission.
Attached is the schedule for the quarter, please invite a friend!
God Bless,
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Legion of Mary log for children
Dear Ming Shu and Cornerstone parents,
I've been thinking about this and discussed with Ming Shu once, but have
not gotten around to do it yet till now...
Since the Children are really into their Legion of Mary prayer and
"weekly report" each week, I thought it would encourage them if there is
a way to log what they did in the week. Please take a look at the
attached and give me comments on whether you think it's a good idea for
each child to have a booklet made out. The first 2 slides are cover
pages (one for boy and the other for girl). The third slide is the
weekly pages that go in between, The idea is that :
1. you will use one page per week.
2. Write the dates in the "Week of" cell. E.g. 4/1/06 - 4/7/06
3. You child (or with your assistance) will put a tick mark for each of
the chores or virtue they displayed for that day.
4. On Friday's LM meeting, they can report on what they did from the log
5. We will provide stickers so that they can choose their favorite
stickers to paste on each tick mark on the week's page either during the
LM meeting or after.
I think we should have one book for each child or not have it at all.
So, if anyone really feels strongly about not having this, please voice.
It's ok to have differences in opinion . I'm not married to this
idea. If you don't like the graphics, I won't be offended... I'm not
very artistic and basically just slammed this together using standard
animation objects I can find in powerpoint. Any volunteer can change
that and make it more sophisticated...
The rows are completely customizable. What I've shown here are Justina's
"hot buttons" and things I think would either be good for her to focus
on now or she can learn to manage. In fact, these should change when
they are ready for newer challenges. So I wouldn't start with too many
pages and the booklet should allow taking out and inserting new pages.
Each child is different, so I would encourage you to think about the
things applicable to your child and customize the rows
(add/delete/change etc)
Lastly, if we do decide to do this, I would be happy to:
- customize the page for your child (if you provide the content). You
can either edit and send the powerpoint file back to me, or give me
hardcopy hand written edits with your child's name on it.
- Make up the booklets for each child
- Get the stickers they would need for each week's meeting
Ming Shu, please provide your input as well. Tony and Wendar, wanted to
copy you too for any comments/suggestions you have... Hope Wendar is
feeling better. We can perhaps talk more about this on Friday.
In Christ,
Friday, March 24, 2006
Cornerstone Bible Study - 3/24: The Conversion of Saul
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Acts: 9:1, Lucia will lead
- Date/Time: 3/24 (Friday) 8:00pm
- 8-8:30pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly
- Snacks: The Holy Spirit will bring the Word of God for us to feast on
(no snacks as our Lenten sacrifice)
With God, nothing is impossible! This week we will see how God miraculously transformed his selected servant, Saul - the murderer and persecutor of the early Church to, Paul - a Holy Spirit filled disciple and preacher of the Good News.
In Christ,
Friday, March 17, 2006
Cornerstone Bible Study - 3/17: Saul Persecutes the Church
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Acts: 8:1, Arthur will lead
- Date/Time: 3/17 (Friday) 8:00pm
Please plan to arrive promptly starting this week as we will pilot a children sing along praise and worship session from 8-8:30pm. Thanks to Rae and Tony, they have selected 5-6 simple english children's Bible songs for the kids. Please prep your kid(s) ahead of time for this exciting new activity!
In Christ,
Friday, March 10, 2006
Cornerstone Bible Study - 3/10: The arrest and stoning of Stephen
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Acts: 7:1, Maria will lead
- Date/Time: 3/10 (Friday) 8:00pm
Since we did not cover the story of Stephen's arrest and stoning last week, I will be lazy and reuse last week's intro :-). In this week's Bible study, we will see the account of the first documented Martyrdom in the Church's history. This is a really rich chapter. I would encourage everyone to read the whole chapter at least once and reflect upon what it means to you during this season of Lent.
Let Saint Stephen's eloquent recount of how God's chosen people have rejected God throughout the history of God's salvation, ending with the strong statement to the Jewish high priests and council: "How stubborn you are!, How heathen your hearts, how deaf you are to God's message!", be an invitation to us, as we begin the Lenten season - to not harden our hearts if we hear God's call today. But respond with a completely renewed heart from within. A new wineskin - the only leak proof way of accepting the new wine promised to us from the beginning of time.
God Bless,
Friday, March 03, 2006
3/3/06 The selection of Stephen
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here is the information for this week's Bible study: Acts: 6:1, William will lead
In this week's Bible study, we will see the account of the first documented Myrterdom in the Church's history.
Let Saint Stephen's eloquent recount of how God's chosen people have rejected God throughout the history of God's salvation, ending with the strong statement to the Jewish high priests and council: "How stubborn you are!, How heathen your hearts, how deaf you are to God's message!", be an invitation to us, as we begin the Lenten season - to not harden our hearts if we hear God's call today. But respond with a completely renewed heart from within. A new wineskin - the only leak proof way of accepting the new wine promised to us from the beginning of time.
God Bless,