Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 11/2: Catholic Catechism Discussion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Please read the articles ahead of time.

God Bless,

Monday, October 29, 2007

Food Service on Dec 15/Angela

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Below is more information from Angela on the St. Anthony's kitchen
volunteer opportunity. If you would like to help, please let Angela know
before 11/13. If there are enough interests from Cornerstone and we want
to volunteer as a group (car pool or have designated baby sitters), we
can discuss in our Friday meeting.

God Bless,

-----Original Message-----

To: Wong, Maria
Subject: Food Service on Dec 15

Hi Maria,

I checked with one of my friends at Lighthouse Bible Study Group, she
said Cornerstone is welcome to join them on Dec 15 food service.

About that place, it is adjacent to a church and there is a large open
space (parking lot) for the kids to run around. That open space can be
a good place for the kids to run around.

Volunteer hours are from 8:30-11:30am. Then a little bit before
11:30am, parents who babysit children can bring the kids over. At
11:30am, when the lunch is served, anyone can go to the dining room
aread or play in the open space. When 11:30am comes, maybe babysitting
parents can work and serve lunch while other parents play with the kids
or take them home.
That way both parents get the chance to work.

Below is the Soup Kitchen information:
Padua's Dinning Room
(behind St. Anthony Church)
3500 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025

The facility has 2 or 3 chef who will do the cooking.
Volunteers are there to assist them, such as washing and chopping

For more information about this place, you can go to

Please RSVP by 11/13/07, so I can report the headcount to Lighthouse.
Thank you.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/26 "I came to cast fire upon the earth"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Jesus continues his teachings on what it takes to attain heaven (and heavenly bliss on earth) in Luke chapter 12. Since I'm leading this week, I get to set homework for you :-). What we will read this week from Luke 12:35 to the end of chapter 12 lends itself well to reflect upon what it means to prepare for the Lord's coming, while living our often less than perfect life. I'd like to suggest that we read the Luke's gospel passage and spend some time pondering the 3 questions below:

1. What practical meaning does "preparing for the master's coming in an unannounced time" has on my own life?
2. Do I have any experience in division between friends/family because of my faith? How did I overcome and how has God played a role in it?
3. Casting out demons, curing the lame and the sick were some of the signs of God's kingdom come during Jesus' time that the pharisees were blind to. Are there similar signs of God and the Holy Spirit working today that we as believers can point to and know that the time to respond to God's gracious love and invitation to life is now?

Come share the fruits of your reflections!

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/19 "Mary and the Rosary"

Dear brothers and sisteres in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
We are blessed to have Father Marvin Deutsch back with us again! Fr. Deustch will be giving a talk on Mary and the Rosary this Friday. We thank God for giving father a safe road trip back from Minnesota.

Many of our kids are little Legions in their very own Legion of Mary group, and they can recite the Rosary beautifully. As Catholics I'm sure most of us also believe in the spirituality of the Rosary and in the power of our Holy Mother, Mary's intercession. Having a deeper understanding of the unique role of Mary and the Rosary is important to reinforce our believe and to explain to our non-Catholic friends. We have also invited a few other faith sharing group to this talk. Look forward to see everyone this Friday!

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/12 "Seek his kingdaom and these things shall be yours"

Dear brothers and sisteres in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
In this week's Gospel passage, Jesus teaches us how to handle our worldly possessions. Do we save it all to ourselvs like the rich man in the story or do we view our life and soul as a greater gift from God and be pre-disposed to be generous towards others?

Here's a quote from Mother Teresa which may inspire us to greater generosity:
"Open your hearts to the love God instills in them. God loves your tenderly. What he gives you is not to be kept under lock and key, but to be shared. The more you save, the less you will be able to give. The less you have, the more you will know how to share. Let us ask God, when it comes time to ask him for something, to help us to be generous."

God Bless,


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/5 "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Father, teach us to recognize your work and power in the world and to turn to you in faith. We want to repent for the ways that we harden our hearts to you and don't believe. May your kingdom come.

God Bless,