Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2008-09-05 : Why sleep you? arise, pray, lest you enter into temptation.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We will not have meeting on August 29 Friday due to Labor Day long weekend that most of our members will be out of town or have another plan. So, we decided to push our schedule down a week. Please reference our schedule at for any update.

For our next Friday (September 5th) meeting, we will discuss prayers. Even we had prayer discuss couple times in the paste, but we feel it is still worth to have a deep understanding of prayers and sharing thoughts following our study content, Luke 22:39~46. Lucia will lead us to discuss prayers and Thomas will lead the following discussion (Luke 22:47~)

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
God Bless!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2008-08-22 - 錢與劍

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Money and swords :
  • Last time we discussed up to Luke 22:38, but we did not have time to serious looking into the true meaning of these two swords.... What is God trying to tell us and why we need money and swords today and how we use them?
  • Daniel had prepared lots of information last time. He will lead us to discuss it and share our thoughts in the beginning. Please bring his notes that he distributed last time (8/8) to the discussion.
Pray, lest ye enter into temptation :
  • After that, we will continue our discussion on 山園祈禱. Lucia will lead us for the further discussion and sharing.
. . . . 「主,看,這裏有兩把劍。」耶穌給他們說:「夠了!」 . . . . 「你們怎麼睡覺呢﹖起來祈禱吧! 免得陷於誘感。」

God Bless

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2008-08-15 中文講座 - 夫妻溝通的藝術 - 從「忍受」到「享受」

蔡佩芬女士 中文講座

夫妻溝通的藝術 - 從「忍受」到「享受」

在教育孩子成長的過程中, 我們常常忽略了夫妻關係與溝通在無時無刻地影響著我們孩子, 而這影響在孩子心中卻是歷久彌新, 根深蒂固的一直下去. 要如何讓我們好好的享受夫妻的關係, 讓婚姻成為一輩子的情歌, 也孩子在潛移默化之間學習與成長. 請來聽聽蔡女士成功的分享. 歡迎您夫妻同來参加. It is free, please also feel free to invite your friends.
  • Time: 2008-08-15 (Friday) 7:30 ~ 9:30 PM
  • Location: Art Classroom at St Joseph of Cupertino School
  • Address: 10120 N. De Anza Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014
  • Map: Please click on the link for detailed map.
  • Please RSVP via following link:
  • We have child care during the seminar.
蔡佩芬女士 - 現任「加拿大學園傳道會」中國網路事工主任,負責編輯出版新麗人網路雜誌,丈夫王大慶牧師在北加州灣區基督之家第一家牧會,育有三位兒女,曾任美國鳳城華人基督教會中文學校校長十年。著有<別急著說再見 - 讓婚姻重燃愛之火>. 請上網 瀏覽她的【新麗人_阿佩姐專欄】閱讀家庭,親子,家庭的文章。

Reference links:

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2008-08-08 - 因為那有關我的事,快要終結。

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

. . . . 我以前派遣你們的時候,沒有帶錢囊、口袋及鞋,你們缺少了什麼沒有﹖」他們說:「什麼也沒有缺。」 耶穌向他們說:「可是如今,有錢囊的,應當帶著;有口袋的也一樣;沒有劍的,應當賣去自己的外衣,去買一把。 我告訴你們:經上所載:『衪被列於叛逆之中』的這句話,必要應驗在我身上,因為那有關我的事,快要終結。 」 他們說:「主,看,這裏有兩把劍。」耶穌給他們說:「夠了!」

God Bless

Friday, August 01, 2008

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2008-08-01 - 苦難和聖死 - 晚餐與建立聖體聖事

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
".... 耶穌拿起餅來,祝謝了,擘開,遞給他們說:「這是我的身體,為你們而捨棄的。 你們應行此禮,為紀念我。」晚餐以後,耶穌同樣拿起杯來,說:「這杯是用我為你們流出的血而立的新約。...."
God Bless

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2008-07-25 - 時時醒寤準備

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
  • Bible Study: Luke 21:20 Arthur will lead
  • Date/Time: 7/25 (Friday) 7:30pm
  • Location: St. Joseph of Cupertino School. 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino.
  • Map: (Please click on this link to see the large map)
  • 7:30 - 8:00pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly
  • Snacks: Angela will bring snacks
"...天地要過去,但是,我的話決不會過去。 你們應當謹慎,免得你們的心為宴飲沈醉,及人生的掛慮所累時,那意想不到的日子臨於你們...."

God Bless

Cornerstone Bible Study - 7/18 - Catholic Church and Pope

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
  • Bible Study: Catholic Church and Pope, Fr. Deutsch will lead
  • Date/Time: 7/18 (Friday) 7:30 ~ 9:30 pm
  • Location: St. Joseph of Cupertino School (Art classroom)
  • Address: 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino CA
  • View Larger Map: please click this link
  • 7:30 - 8:00pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly
  • Snacks: Arthur will bring snacks
  • Please see our Q3 Schedule at:
God Bless,