Monday, September 15, 2008

2008-09-19, Fr. Olivera visiting and special prayer

Dear Friends,

In this Friday (9/19), we are having a special guest and a special prayer for our friend.
  • Fr. Olivera will come to our meeting on this Friday. We are going to introduce Cornerstone Bible Study group and ourselves to him.
  • Special prayer for our friend 鳳文Fr. Olivera will lead us for this prayer. I will try to get detail of the prayer from Fr. Olivear and will let you know once I get anything.
Here is the information for this week's Bible study (09/19).
Time fries fast, 2008 Q3 is almost the end. Our 2008 Q4 schedule is ready for you to sign up for lead. Please follow the link and fill in your name.

Next Friday, St. Joseph of Cupertino School has Family Fun Festival through the end of the weekend. We don’t have bible study on that Friday (09/26).

If you like to join the Festival, please see details at school festival web page: If you like to purchase the tickets for games and rides in advance, please let me know. We can help you to get them. Here us the price information.
  • Midway Ride Tickets
    • 3~6 tickets per craft activity
    • 4~6 tickets per inflatable.
    • $28.00 for 30 tickets, if you buy in the festival.
    • 50% off (i.e. $14.00 for 30 tickets) if you order in advance.
  • SJC Games, arts and crafts tickets, inflatable, and laser tickets
    • 3~6 tickets per game
    • 4~6 tickets per inflatable
    • $5.00 for 10 tickets (same price if you buy it in the festival).

Monday, September 08, 2008

Cornerstone Chinese Bible Study - 2008-09-12 耶穌被捕

Last Friday, we discussed and shared about prayers (山園祈禱) in Luke 22:39~46. It seemed that“prayers” always is an endless discussable subject that never runs out of our sharing and we always feel short of discussion time in our meeting. Most of us always discovered the new meanings, methods, and attitudes of prayers in our individual life. We might have one dedicated week just for "prayer" discussion. You can visit some of following web pages for your immediate reference: 
Here is the information for this week's Bible study (09/12).
In our following meeting, we will start discuss about 耶穌被捕 and following subjects (starting from Luke 22:47).  Please visit: for our study details. Our schedule is located at:, please select "2008 Q4 schedule" for our new Q4 schedule sign up or reference