Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cornerstone Bible Study - 6/2: "In him we live and move and exist"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
  • Bible Study: Acts: 17:1, Michelle and Angela will lead
  • Date/Time: 6/2 (Friday) 8:00pm
  • Location: St. Joseph of Cupertino School. 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino. (click on link below for map)

  • 8-8:30pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly. Vincent will be our family worship leader
  • Snacks: Arthur will bring snacks. Please bring beverage for your own and your children's needs.
Hope everyone had a blessed and restful memorial day weekend! After a week's break, I am eagerly waiting to hear sharings of spiritual growths in the last couple of weeks and see the children grow a little bit taller! Praise and thank God for his providence! See you all on Friday… Lucia has a few things to discuss after Bible sharing this week, so don’t miss out!

Our blog:

Attached is the schedule for the quarter, please invite a friend!

God Bless,

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Reminder - No Bible Study this Friday (5/26)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

This is a friendly reminder that we will not have Bible study this Friday because of the memorial day long weekend. We will resume on 6/2/06. Have a pleasant, safe and joy filled holiday!

Here's a reminder to bookmark the following url which is the Cornerstone blog. You will find past weekly reminders, schedules and event pictures posted there. Do visit from time to time - you may find your beautiful picture posted there.

God Bless, Maria