Friday, December 21, 2007

Our study on December Luke 14:17~27 our 十字架

We discussed Luke 14:15~14:27 in our Bible study. Everyone shared our own 十 字架 in our daily life during the study. It was a very sharing and discussion. So we decided to write it down to remind us for our next study review and discussion to see what is our real 十字架 in our life, does it changes, or any new finding after this long Christmas and New Year.. We also will discuss the following remaining part in chapter 14, especially the meaning of 鹽 in our life. Please be prepared and think about it deeply....

路加福音 Luke 第十四章
15 有一個同席的人聽了這些話,就向耶穌說:「將來能在天上的國裏吃飯的,才是有福的!」
16 耶穌給他說:「有一個人設了盛宴,邀請了許多人。
17 到了宴會的時刻,他便打發僕人去給被請的人說: 請來罷! 已經齊備了。
18 眾人開始一致推辭。第一個給他說:我買了一塊田地,必須前去看一看,請你原諒我。
19 另一個說:我買了五對牛,要去試試牠們,請你原諒我。
20 別的一個說:我才娶了妻,所以不能去。
21 僕人回來把這事告訴了主人。家主就生了氣,給僕人說:你快出去,到城中的大街小巷,把那些貧窮的、殘廢的、瞎眼的、瘸腿的,都領到這裏來。
22 僕人說:主,已經照你的吩咐辦了,可是還有空位子。
23 主人對僕人說:你出去,到大道以及籬笆邊,勉強人進來,好坐滿我的屋子。
24 我告訴你們:先前被請的那些人,沒有一個能嘗我這宴席的。」

25 有許多群眾與耶穌同行,耶穌轉身向他們說:
27 不論誰,若不背著自己的十字架,在我後面走,不能做我的門徒。
28 你們中間誰願意建造一座塔,而不先坐下籌算費用,是否有力完成呢﹖
29 免得他奠基以後,竟不能完工,所有看見的人都要譏誚他說:
30 這個人開始建造,而不能完工。
31 或者一個國王要去同別的國王交戰,那有不先坐下運籌一下,能否以一萬人,去抵抗那領著兩萬來攻打他的呢﹖
32 如果不能,就得趁那國王離得尚遠的時候,派遣使節去求和平的條款。
33 同樣,你們中不論是誰,如不捨棄他的有一切所有,不能做我的門徒。
34 鹽原是好的,但如果連鹽也失了味道,要用什麼來調和它呢﹖
35 既不利於土壤,又不適於糞料,惟有把它丟在外面。有耳聽的,聽罷!」

Wish everyone have a Marry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 12/14 The true meaning of Discipleship

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

This week's gospel has some very challenging messages: True disciples must renounce anyone or anything that stands in the way of a thorough commitment to Jesus. - "so therefore, whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple!"

"Holy Spirit, we look to you for guidance and wisdom. Continue to fill us with God's presence and power. Teach us to maintain the various aspects of our lives in good order as we wait expectantly for Jesus' return."

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 12/7 "he who humbles himself will be exalted"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
"Heavenly Father, we have no works worthy of you. Help us to be humble as we await your work in us."

God Bless,