Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/26 "I came to cast fire upon the earth"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Jesus continues his teachings on what it takes to attain heaven (and heavenly bliss on earth) in Luke chapter 12. Since I'm leading this week, I get to set homework for you :-). What we will read this week from Luke 12:35 to the end of chapter 12 lends itself well to reflect upon what it means to prepare for the Lord's coming, while living our often less than perfect life. I'd like to suggest that we read the Luke's gospel passage and spend some time pondering the 3 questions below:

1. What practical meaning does "preparing for the master's coming in an unannounced time" has on my own life?
2. Do I have any experience in division between friends/family because of my faith? How did I overcome and how has God played a role in it?
3. Casting out demons, curing the lame and the sick were some of the signs of God's kingdom come during Jesus' time that the pharisees were blind to. Are there similar signs of God and the Holy Spirit working today that we as believers can point to and know that the time to respond to God's gracious love and invitation to life is now?

Come share the fruits of your reflections!

God Bless,

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