Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 11/30 "What is the Kingdom of God like?"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
"Lord, open my eyes to the ways you would work in my life this very day. I pray that your kingdom would come and benefit all whom you desire to touch and save through my life. Let me know your love that I might allow you to work through me."

God Bless,

Cornerstone professional forum/Vincent

Dear All,

How are you? Wish every one had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. We had talked about a professional forum group for a while, but never get it started. Most of us like this idea and think it is a good thing to do it. Wish we can start it....

I am trying to put some highlights about this group together "again" and what we are going to do in the following ....
Our simple goals:
Help ourselves and help others
Strengthen ourselves and ready to serve
Simple philosophy: Serving God, living life.
What we are going to:
Presenting ourselves and willing to share
- Introduce ourselves and prepare for sharing
- Position ourselves and understand how world is changing
- Share / exchange our knowledge, experiences, specialties, etc.
Mentoring and exchanging spiritually and technically
- Be a mentor and a mentee
- Educate echo other - presentations, classes, projects, seminars, etc.
- Explore new opportunity / new fields from the group
- Practice technology leadership and teamwork with others
- Exercise our management skills in any aspect
Helping our communities
- Work on projects for the special needs

Initially we may need to meet one or two times continuously for laying out the format of the group and defining our purposes, etc. After that we can run this forum either every other week or once a month. I think we are ready for it, but just do have a good time and place for our meeting. Can any one suggest a time and place that we can meet? Please feel free to comment any thing that you think it is proper for this group.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 11/9 "Do you not know how to interpret the present time?"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
"Heavenly Father, in your mercy you have redeemed us and opened heaven for us. By your Spirit, help us to recognize the signs of your love and power. Show us how to respond to your gracious invitation to life."

God Bless,

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Parenting EQ Seminar with Dr. ShuLing Chen, 11/16 7:30 pm/Vincent

Dear Friends and Parents,

How are you? Do you know….
- What is Emotional Intelligence? Were or when we see it?
- How to talk, so our kids will think?

- Why is it important to build emotional health in our children

- How can parents understand our emotions and help raise our children’s EQ?

- What is the connection between spiritual health and emotional health?

Dr. Sue-Ling Chen (陳姝伶) is going to give us a speech about Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) - how it actually impacts our daily parenting life and how we can wisely understand it and help our kids.... It is on 11/16 Friday night at Cupertino. Please see following information and attached PDF for more details and feel free to forward it to your friends who might be interested.


陳姝伶 博士 - 中文親子講座
講座主題: 談孩子與父母的情緒智商
Emotional Intelligence Quotient(EQ)
講座講師: 陳姝伶 博士
日期時間: 2007-11-16 (Friday) at 7:30 – 9:30 PM
講座地點: Art Classroom at St Joseph of Cupertino School
10120 N De Anza Blvd., Cupertino , CA 95014
參加講座: Free and please R.S.V.P. through following link: or
Please RSVP:
[1] Go to (or click on this link):
[2] Select "Quantity" in "Register Now" box and click on "Register Now" button.
[3] Fill in your name and email address (option), and select a childcare option if you need it.
[4] Click on "Register Now" button to finish the RSVP.
You will receive an email confirmation if you fill in your email address

Location info:
- Address: 10120 N. De Anza Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014
- Map(Y):
- Map(G):,122.030222528W

Dr. ShuLing Chen 陳姝伶博士 簡介:
陳 姝伶畢業於台大社會系,社會研究所。畢業後曾任職內政部及台北護專。赴美後,於University of Oregon的幼兒教育系進修,專攻幼兒認知發展及親職教育,取得幼教碩士及博士學位。陳姝伶女士在取得博士學位後,於1991年11月成立親子樂園,至 今已十多餘年,藉著定期聚會,讓住在大聖荷西地區的父母們有一個共同學習成長以及分享經驗的機會。陳博士不但在親子樂園中與父母們分享幼教專業,也經常在 彎區的中文學校和社團中演講。最近和毅寧和肇育基金會合作在親子書坊成立父母成長班,希望能服務更多的家長。

Dr Chen's Blog:
Please visit her blog for more information at:

Please visit Cornerstone blog at: