Thursday, May 14, 2009

5/15 - To him be glory forever

Dear Friends,

This week we are going to study Romans Chapter 11 -- 讚美全知的天主: 啊,天主的富饒、上智和知識,是多麼高深!他的決斷是多麼不可測量!他的道路是多麼不可探察!有誰曾知道上主的心意?或者,有誰曾當過他的顧問? 或者,有誰曾先施恩於他,而望他還報呢?因為萬物都出於他,依賴他,而歸於他。願光榮歸於他至於永世!阿們。

Nancy will lead us for discussion. The following is our meeting information

God Bless.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

5/8 - The remedy for rejection ....

Dear Friends and Families

Last week, we discussed Romans Chapter 9 about God's blessings on Israel, election of Israel, freedom to elect, mercy toward Israel, and his mercy toward the Gentiles. This week, we are going to study Romans chapter 10 - Israel's present rejection. Lucia is going to lead us for the discussion to see the reason God has set Israel aside, the remedy for rejection and continuing unbelief of Israel.

This coming Sunday is Mother's Day, we are going to have a celebration after the study. We invite all mothers or mothers to be to join our celebration. Husbands please don't forget invite your wife. Please feel free to invite your friends and families to join us too.
Happy Mother's Day

Here is our meeting information for this week.
God bless you and your family.