Monday, November 06, 2006

Cornerstone Bible Study - 11/10: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me!"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

Jesus spoke with authority when he started preaching in the synogogues. He created both admiration as well as hatredness towards himself in different people. In many ways, he is a true leader who is not afraid of stirring up controversy. His words do not always do down easily for most people, yet he never tried to soften the words. Jesus does want to shake us up so that he can get our attention. He came to proclaim a "good news" unlike anything we might expect, and if we are to listen properly, we will need to be made uncomfortable. How else will we want to part with sin and follow him on the way to the cross?

"Lord Jesus, today you offer us a choice: to accept your words or to listen to the desires of our fallen nature. Help us to be generous recipients of your grace and instruments of your peace."

God Bless,


posted by Maria at 10:02 PM

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