Subject: Advent Weekend Retreat Information
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Advent Weekend Retreat Information/Maria + Cris
Subject: Advent Weekend Retreat Information
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy Moon Festival - Chinese Catholic Friends/Rae
在 異鄉過中秋節,可以吃到應節的月餅,看到又圓又大的月亮,但是難免少了過節的氣氛。人潮?對了,人潮!也許同胞多一點的地方,可以感染一些過節的情緒,可 以回味一些兒過往的舊夢。就是這個週末,在Cupertino 的 Memorial Park 有中秋節遊園會,有吃有玩有表演,有小朋友的活動,有我們等您!
天主教的攤位將設立在遊園會裡,當天有十五年歌唱經驗的聖詠團,九月初才出版的CD,專誠致送,歡迎您帶回家欣賞。請來吧,9月29、30日兩天的上午10:00到下午5:00,我們都在。如果您約朋友同來,這 Cupertino Memorial Park,就在 Stevens Creek Blvd 旁, De Anza College的對面。請參考網站
灣區天主教網頁: [聖荷西華人天主教會] [中半島華人天主教會] [費利蒙天主教華人團體] [聯合市天主教華人團體]
其他天主教網頁: [天主教資訊小集] [天主教亞洲真理電台] [香港天主教教友總會]
舊金山灣區綜合聯絡電話: (408)983-0211
Monday, September 24, 2007
The books are on line now.
艾曼麗修女神示錄‧耶穌受苦記 :
艾曼麗修女視示錄‧耶穌被葬記 :
艾曼麗修女神視錄‧耶穌復活記 :
艾曼麗修女神示錄‧教會起初記 :
艾曼麗神女神示錄‧聖母升天記 :
艾丽蔓修女神视录列表 :
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Cornerstone Bible Study - 9/21 The Passion of Christ
Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Luke 23:26, Arthur will lead
- Date/Time: 9/21 (Friday) 7:30pm
- Location: St. Joseph of Cupertino School. 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino. (click on link below for map)
- 7:30 - 8:00pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly
- Snacks: Wen-Ching will bring snacks.
This week Arthur will continue to lead us to study the Passion of Christ in the later chapters of Luke's Gospel. We will pick up from where we left off from Chapter 10 next week. Let us prepare our hearts to experience the deepness of God's mercy for all through meditating on our Lord's passion.
God Bless,
Monday, September 17, 2007
SJC Carnival info 9/28-5:00pm~9/30-4:40pm - Vincent
Here is SJC school Carnival info (two page pdf file). Please have a look and feel free to let me or Maria know if you like to buy tickets for rides and food (now it is 50% for pre-ordering). Or you can see following link for more details.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Advent Weekend Retreat Information/Maria
From: Cris Chen
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 11:12 AM
To: Isabel Chou; Steve Chu; Jimmy Chen; Jenny Pama; Nick Lo; Wong, Maria; Kam Chow; Shanguh Huang; Helena Ru; Karen; Robert Huang; Teresa Niou; Miao-Li Wu; Lu Lu Ho; Maria Ku
Cc: Rae Yang; Ana Tsai
Subject: Advent Weekend Retreat Information
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Cornerstone Bible Study - 9/14 The Passion of Christ
Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Luke 22:39, Arthur will lead
- Date/Time: 9/14 (Friday) 7:30pm
- Location: St. Joseph of Cupertino School. 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino. (click on link below for map)
- 7:30 - 8:00pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly
- Snacks: Michelle will bring snacks.
God Bless,
Monday, September 10, 2007
Workshop Announcements/Rae
y dear all,
Fr. Sun's talk should be very important and helpful to
our service life. Please consider to participate.
In Christ Rae
地點 :St Claire, Parish Hall (Main Hall)
12/8-15/2007: 日常生活神操 地點:Fremont 某教友家,每天與神父談話45分鐘
1/4-13/2008: 八天聖依納爵神操避靜 地點:Los Altos 耶穌會避靜中心
4/11-20/2008: 八天聖依納爵神操避靜 地點:Los Altos 耶穌會避靜中心
每一個神操單元只有六個名額 有興趣者請盡早與Fremont教友饒瑞美報名
cornerstone bible study Q4 2007 sign up sheet/Michelle
St Joseph of Cupertino Feast day : 9/16 (Sunday)
As you know, St. Joseph of Cupertino Church is celebrating her feast day this Sunday. There will be celebration festivities after 11:00am Mass this Sunday, including different kinds of ethnic food. To show our appreciation for their support for our Bible study group, it would be great if we can join in the celebration. They are in need of ethnic food. They also welcome anyone who can help serve food. If you plan to be there and can bring a food item, please let me know ahead of time by replying to this email.
I will be at the 11:00am Mass and will bring a food item to share (most likely fried rice or fried noodle). If you plan to attend 11:00am Mass, you can drop off the food before Mass. We can meet up and attend Mass together. But if you are not attending Mass but will be there for the celebration and is bringing a food item, please drop off the food by 11:30am.
The link below to their bulletin has some information on the feast day celebration:
We will discuss this on Friday.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Cornerstone Bible Study - 9/7: Catholic Catechism Discussion
Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Catholic Catechism Part 4, Section 1, Article 1 (2585-2589), Lucia will lead
- Date/Time: 9/7 (Friday) 7:30pm
- Location: St. Joseph of Cupertino School. 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino. (click on link below for map)
- 7:30-8pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Please arrive promptly
- Snacks: Arthur will bring snacks. Please bring beverage for your own and your children's needs.
God Bless,