Sunday, September 16, 2007

Advent Weekend Retreat Information/Maria

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Attached are more information and registration form for the Advent retreat. Please let me know as soon as you can if you would like to attend the retreat. There is limited space, so act fast to avoid disappointment...
God Bless,
Maria Wong

From: Cris Chen
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 11:12 AM
To: Isabel Chou; Steve Chu; Jimmy Chen; Jenny Pama; Nick Lo; Wong, Maria; Kam Chow; Shanguh Huang; Helena Ru; Karen; Robert Huang; Teresa Niou; Miao-Li Wu; Lu Lu Ho; Maria Ku
Cc: Rae Yang; Ana Tsai
Subject: Advent Weekend Retreat Information

Dear All:
Attached, please find the Advent Weekend Retreat information files for your group's reference. The information includes:
1. Retreat Flyer;
2. Retreat Registration Form;
3. Retreat Fee & Donation
Please let me know if you do have any concern or question regarding Retreat issue, you can send me e-mail.
In Crist,

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