Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10/17 -- Weep not for me, but for yourselves

Dear Friends,

This week we are going to continue on Jesus Christ’s journey of cruel death. Jesus speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem while they lad Jesus away. Why is He telling them to weep for themselves? Let us have a deep understanding if His words ....

We stated studying Luke Gospel from September 15, 2006. Lucia was the first lead of the discussion and study. Our study of Luck Gospel is going to the end very soon. It is time to select a new book from the Bible for our continual study. Please add you preferred book from Bible to the following doc and let us to vote in the end of Luke discussion. Again, it doesn’t need any sign-in, and please don’t change any other’s information there.

Summary of discussion on this coming Friday:
Thanks and God bless us.

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