Thursday, March 26, 2009

3/27 : How we distinguish God's voice – Part 2

Dear Cornerstone friends and families,

Last month, Feb. 27, Fr. Marvin Deutsch from Maryknoll talked about how to listen the voice for God. He explained Kings (列王紀上) 19:1~15 to show us where Gods voice usually appear.
... After the earthquake there was fire - but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound. ...

He also explained John (若望福音) 14:9~31 about the holy spirits.
... I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name - he will teach you everything and remind you of all that (I) told you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. ...


He will continue on this topic and moving forward to how we distinguish God’s voice – Part 2 on this Friday March 27 night. It is a great lesson. Please mark your calendar and feel free to invite your friends to join us.
Here is our meeting information.
God Bless.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

03/20 - The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord

Dear Friends and Families,

Last week we discussed Romans Chapter 6, but didn't finish it yet. We are continue on it from 6:13 this Friday. Here is the meeting information. Please feel free to invite your friends.
God Bless You and all your family.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

03/13 - How can we who died to sin yet live in it?

Dear Friends and Families,
This week, we are going to discuss Romans Chapter 6. Here is the meeting information. Please feel free to invite your friends.
God Bless You.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

03/06 - The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us.

Dear Friends and Families,

Last time we discussed Romans Chapter 4 - Abraham's justification by faith and David's testimony to justification by faith. We also discussed the priority of faith to circumcision and to the promise concerning headship of many nations. We also saw the exemplary value of Abraham's faith.

This week we are going to study Romans Chapter 5 - The benefits of justification and the restorative effects of justification.

... we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us....

Here is our meeting information. Please feel free to invite your friends.
God Bless You.