Thursday, January 21, 2010

1/22 Genesis 20

Brothers and Sisters,
This week, we are continuing with the Chapter 20.

The story described in chapter 20 may happened well before chapter 18 that God promised Abraham/Sara a son. Apparently, whether the biblical events are in chronological order is not focus for the author.

The story takes us to the time when Abraham settled in Gerar. At the time, Abimelech who was the king of Gerar, laid eyes on Sara and took her. From the story, we realized how God is protecting his children even in such an desperate situation. The story also showed how weak Abraham is for he lie to Abimelech just to survive. Let's be honest, we probably all do when push comes to the shelf. However, God loves us regardless our sin. As long as we trust in him, God will lead our way out of trouble.

Once again, the author of Genesis uses Hagar to show God's mercy and takes care of his people. By sending messenger to show the well to Hagar, God kept his promise and never abandon us.

The highlight of part of story is God's test on Abraham. By asking Issac for the sacrifice, God put the most difficult test to his servant. Arguable, this is probably even harsher than the test for Job. How can God ask Issac for the sacrifice for Thy had just given him to me, Abraham must have been thinking back and forth. Apparently, Abraham overcome the struggle and decided obeying God's commend as a good servant. As a result, not only Abraham passed God's test, God reward him to be the father of great nation.

Often time, we are struggling and felt mistreated. How are we able to see through God's test and be his good servant. May God give us wisdom and courage to face whatever challenge he impose on us. And let us be an obeying servant.

in Christ,

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