Thursday, February 25, 2010

2/26 Genesis 27 and Beyond

Brothers and Sisters,

Continue from last week, we are getting to the end of Isaac and the beginning of Jacob.

The story of Genesis 27 is hard to understand by any moral standard. The footnote of New American Bible gives a good explanation:
"What Jacob did in deceiving his father and thereby cheating Esau out of Isaac's deathbed blessing is condemned as blameworthy, not only by Hosea (Hosea 12:4) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 9:3), but also, indirectly, by the Yahwist narrator of the present story, who makes the reader sympathize with Esau as the innocent victim of a cruel plot, and shows that Jacob and his mother, the instigator of the plot, paid for it by a lifelong separation from each other. The story was told because it was part of the mystery of God's ways in salvation history--his use of weak, sinful men to achieve his own ultimate purpose."

The purpose of this passage is clear. God made good use of his people regardless who they are. Things are not possible for us are possible for God. The real justice is not done through any form of man made enforcement. Not judge but be judged through Christ our Lord.

Genesis 28 is well know bed time story for the kid. How God is protecting his people and guarding them during their sleep. In return, Jacob setup the memorial stone and made his vow. How many time we have been under God's wing and received thy projection? But how many time we have been done something in return even symbolically? Let's take a moment to look back how God had saved us in the past. May God have mercy on us and lead us to the right path.

in Christ,

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