Thursday, June 10, 2010

Exodus Chapter 7 and on

Sisters and Brothers,

This week, we are continue our journey of how God saved his people from Egypt.

God had chosen Moses to be his servant and have Moses to command Pharaoh to let his people go. In spite of Moses' s protest, God insists Moses to accept the assignment and had Aron to help him in talking.

The famous ten plagues described in the Exodus seem to be similar to certain natural phenomena of that country; but they are represented as supernatural at least in their greater intensity and in their occurring exactly according to Moses' commands.

Nine times, the Lord made Pharaoh obstinate and would not let Israelites go. Here are these nine plagues:
Water to blood, Frog, Gnat, Flies, death of livestock, festering boil, hail, locust, Darkness

Often time, we made mistake and endured the suffer but our hearts are still obstinate. Let's pray to the Lord teaching us be mindful. Repent in time before the tenth plague falls on us.

in Christ,

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