Friday, December 21, 2007

Our study on December Luke 14:17~27 our 十字架

We discussed Luke 14:15~14:27 in our Bible study. Everyone shared our own 十 字架 in our daily life during the study. It was a very sharing and discussion. So we decided to write it down to remind us for our next study review and discussion to see what is our real 十字架 in our life, does it changes, or any new finding after this long Christmas and New Year.. We also will discuss the following remaining part in chapter 14, especially the meaning of 鹽 in our life. Please be prepared and think about it deeply....

路加福音 Luke 第十四章
15 有一個同席的人聽了這些話,就向耶穌說:「將來能在天上的國裏吃飯的,才是有福的!」
16 耶穌給他說:「有一個人設了盛宴,邀請了許多人。
17 到了宴會的時刻,他便打發僕人去給被請的人說: 請來罷! 已經齊備了。
18 眾人開始一致推辭。第一個給他說:我買了一塊田地,必須前去看一看,請你原諒我。
19 另一個說:我買了五對牛,要去試試牠們,請你原諒我。
20 別的一個說:我才娶了妻,所以不能去。
21 僕人回來把這事告訴了主人。家主就生了氣,給僕人說:你快出去,到城中的大街小巷,把那些貧窮的、殘廢的、瞎眼的、瘸腿的,都領到這裏來。
22 僕人說:主,已經照你的吩咐辦了,可是還有空位子。
23 主人對僕人說:你出去,到大道以及籬笆邊,勉強人進來,好坐滿我的屋子。
24 我告訴你們:先前被請的那些人,沒有一個能嘗我這宴席的。」

25 有許多群眾與耶穌同行,耶穌轉身向他們說:
27 不論誰,若不背著自己的十字架,在我後面走,不能做我的門徒。
28 你們中間誰願意建造一座塔,而不先坐下籌算費用,是否有力完成呢﹖
29 免得他奠基以後,竟不能完工,所有看見的人都要譏誚他說:
30 這個人開始建造,而不能完工。
31 或者一個國王要去同別的國王交戰,那有不先坐下運籌一下,能否以一萬人,去抵抗那領著兩萬來攻打他的呢﹖
32 如果不能,就得趁那國王離得尚遠的時候,派遣使節去求和平的條款。
33 同樣,你們中不論是誰,如不捨棄他的有一切所有,不能做我的門徒。
34 鹽原是好的,但如果連鹽也失了味道,要用什麼來調和它呢﹖
35 既不利於土壤,又不適於糞料,惟有把它丟在外面。有耳聽的,聽罷!」

Wish everyone have a Marry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 12/14 The true meaning of Discipleship

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

This week's gospel has some very challenging messages: True disciples must renounce anyone or anything that stands in the way of a thorough commitment to Jesus. - "so therefore, whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple!"

"Holy Spirit, we look to you for guidance and wisdom. Continue to fill us with God's presence and power. Teach us to maintain the various aspects of our lives in good order as we wait expectantly for Jesus' return."

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 12/7 "he who humbles himself will be exalted"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
"Heavenly Father, we have no works worthy of you. Help us to be humble as we await your work in us."

God Bless,

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 11/30 "What is the Kingdom of God like?"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
"Lord, open my eyes to the ways you would work in my life this very day. I pray that your kingdom would come and benefit all whom you desire to touch and save through my life. Let me know your love that I might allow you to work through me."

God Bless,

Cornerstone professional forum/Vincent

Dear All,

How are you? Wish every one had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. We had talked about a professional forum group for a while, but never get it started. Most of us like this idea and think it is a good thing to do it. Wish we can start it....

I am trying to put some highlights about this group together "again" and what we are going to do in the following ....
Our simple goals:
Help ourselves and help others
Strengthen ourselves and ready to serve
Simple philosophy: Serving God, living life.
What we are going to:
Presenting ourselves and willing to share
- Introduce ourselves and prepare for sharing
- Position ourselves and understand how world is changing
- Share / exchange our knowledge, experiences, specialties, etc.
Mentoring and exchanging spiritually and technically
- Be a mentor and a mentee
- Educate echo other - presentations, classes, projects, seminars, etc.
- Explore new opportunity / new fields from the group
- Practice technology leadership and teamwork with others
- Exercise our management skills in any aspect
Helping our communities
- Work on projects for the special needs

Initially we may need to meet one or two times continuously for laying out the format of the group and defining our purposes, etc. After that we can run this forum either every other week or once a month. I think we are ready for it, but just do have a good time and place for our meeting. Can any one suggest a time and place that we can meet? Please feel free to comment any thing that you think it is proper for this group.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 11/9 "Do you not know how to interpret the present time?"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
"Heavenly Father, in your mercy you have redeemed us and opened heaven for us. By your Spirit, help us to recognize the signs of your love and power. Show us how to respond to your gracious invitation to life."

God Bless,

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Parenting EQ Seminar with Dr. ShuLing Chen, 11/16 7:30 pm/Vincent

Dear Friends and Parents,

How are you? Do you know….
- What is Emotional Intelligence? Were or when we see it?
- How to talk, so our kids will think?

- Why is it important to build emotional health in our children

- How can parents understand our emotions and help raise our children’s EQ?

- What is the connection between spiritual health and emotional health?

Dr. Sue-Ling Chen (陳姝伶) is going to give us a speech about Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) - how it actually impacts our daily parenting life and how we can wisely understand it and help our kids.... It is on 11/16 Friday night at Cupertino. Please see following information and attached PDF for more details and feel free to forward it to your friends who might be interested.


陳姝伶 博士 - 中文親子講座
講座主題: 談孩子與父母的情緒智商
Emotional Intelligence Quotient(EQ)
講座講師: 陳姝伶 博士
日期時間: 2007-11-16 (Friday) at 7:30 – 9:30 PM
講座地點: Art Classroom at St Joseph of Cupertino School
10120 N De Anza Blvd., Cupertino , CA 95014
參加講座: Free and please R.S.V.P. through following link: or
Please RSVP:
[1] Go to (or click on this link):
[2] Select "Quantity" in "Register Now" box and click on "Register Now" button.
[3] Fill in your name and email address (option), and select a childcare option if you need it.
[4] Click on "Register Now" button to finish the RSVP.
You will receive an email confirmation if you fill in your email address

Location info:
- Address: 10120 N. De Anza Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014
- Map(Y):
- Map(G):,122.030222528W

Dr. ShuLing Chen 陳姝伶博士 簡介:
陳 姝伶畢業於台大社會系,社會研究所。畢業後曾任職內政部及台北護專。赴美後,於University of Oregon的幼兒教育系進修,專攻幼兒認知發展及親職教育,取得幼教碩士及博士學位。陳姝伶女士在取得博士學位後,於1991年11月成立親子樂園,至 今已十多餘年,藉著定期聚會,讓住在大聖荷西地區的父母們有一個共同學習成長以及分享經驗的機會。陳博士不但在親子樂園中與父母們分享幼教專業,也經常在 彎區的中文學校和社團中演講。最近和毅寧和肇育基金會合作在親子書坊成立父母成長班,希望能服務更多的家長。

Dr Chen's Blog:
Please visit her blog for more information at:

Please visit Cornerstone blog at:

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 11/2: Catholic Catechism Discussion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Please read the articles ahead of time.

God Bless,

Monday, October 29, 2007

Food Service on Dec 15/Angela

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Below is more information from Angela on the St. Anthony's kitchen
volunteer opportunity. If you would like to help, please let Angela know
before 11/13. If there are enough interests from Cornerstone and we want
to volunteer as a group (car pool or have designated baby sitters), we
can discuss in our Friday meeting.

God Bless,

-----Original Message-----

To: Wong, Maria
Subject: Food Service on Dec 15

Hi Maria,

I checked with one of my friends at Lighthouse Bible Study Group, she
said Cornerstone is welcome to join them on Dec 15 food service.

About that place, it is adjacent to a church and there is a large open
space (parking lot) for the kids to run around. That open space can be
a good place for the kids to run around.

Volunteer hours are from 8:30-11:30am. Then a little bit before
11:30am, parents who babysit children can bring the kids over. At
11:30am, when the lunch is served, anyone can go to the dining room
aread or play in the open space. When 11:30am comes, maybe babysitting
parents can work and serve lunch while other parents play with the kids
or take them home.
That way both parents get the chance to work.

Below is the Soup Kitchen information:
Padua's Dinning Room
(behind St. Anthony Church)
3500 Middlefield Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025

The facility has 2 or 3 chef who will do the cooking.
Volunteers are there to assist them, such as washing and chopping

For more information about this place, you can go to

Please RSVP by 11/13/07, so I can report the headcount to Lighthouse.
Thank you.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/26 "I came to cast fire upon the earth"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Jesus continues his teachings on what it takes to attain heaven (and heavenly bliss on earth) in Luke chapter 12. Since I'm leading this week, I get to set homework for you :-). What we will read this week from Luke 12:35 to the end of chapter 12 lends itself well to reflect upon what it means to prepare for the Lord's coming, while living our often less than perfect life. I'd like to suggest that we read the Luke's gospel passage and spend some time pondering the 3 questions below:

1. What practical meaning does "preparing for the master's coming in an unannounced time" has on my own life?
2. Do I have any experience in division between friends/family because of my faith? How did I overcome and how has God played a role in it?
3. Casting out demons, curing the lame and the sick were some of the signs of God's kingdom come during Jesus' time that the pharisees were blind to. Are there similar signs of God and the Holy Spirit working today that we as believers can point to and know that the time to respond to God's gracious love and invitation to life is now?

Come share the fruits of your reflections!

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/19 "Mary and the Rosary"

Dear brothers and sisteres in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
We are blessed to have Father Marvin Deutsch back with us again! Fr. Deustch will be giving a talk on Mary and the Rosary this Friday. We thank God for giving father a safe road trip back from Minnesota.

Many of our kids are little Legions in their very own Legion of Mary group, and they can recite the Rosary beautifully. As Catholics I'm sure most of us also believe in the spirituality of the Rosary and in the power of our Holy Mother, Mary's intercession. Having a deeper understanding of the unique role of Mary and the Rosary is important to reinforce our believe and to explain to our non-Catholic friends. We have also invited a few other faith sharing group to this talk. Look forward to see everyone this Friday!

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/12 "Seek his kingdaom and these things shall be yours"

Dear brothers and sisteres in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
In this week's Gospel passage, Jesus teaches us how to handle our worldly possessions. Do we save it all to ourselvs like the rich man in the story or do we view our life and soul as a greater gift from God and be pre-disposed to be generous towards others?

Here's a quote from Mother Teresa which may inspire us to greater generosity:
"Open your hearts to the love God instills in them. God loves your tenderly. What he gives you is not to be kept under lock and key, but to be shared. The more you save, the less you will be able to give. The less you have, the more you will know how to share. Let us ask God, when it comes time to ask him for something, to help us to be generous."

God Bless,


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 10/5 "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Father, teach us to recognize your work and power in the world and to turn to you in faith. We want to repent for the ways that we harden our hearts to you and don't believe. May your kingdom come.

God Bless,

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Advent Weekend Retreat Information/Maria + Cris

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
If you are planning to attend the Advent silent retreat from 11/16 - 11/18, please fill in the attached registration form. You can bring the registration form and the payment check to next Friday's Bible study. I will collect and turn them into Cris Chen. The registration needs to be turned in by 10/18/07.
Thanks and God Bless,

Subject: Advent Weekend Retreat Information

Dear All:
Attached, please find the Advent Weekend Retreat information files for your group's reference. The information includes:
1. Retreat Flyer;
2. Retreat Registration Form;
3. Retreat Fee & Donation
Please let me know if you do have any concern or question regarding Retreat issue, you can reach me or send me e-mail.
In Crist,

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Moon Festival - Chinese Catholic Friends/Rae



在 異鄉過中秋節,可以吃到應節的月餅,看到又圓又大的月亮,但是難免少了過節的氣氛。人潮?對了,人潮!也許同胞多一點的地方,可以感染一些過節的情緒,可 以回味一些兒過往的舊夢。就是這個週末,在Cupertino 的 Memorial Park 有中秋節遊園會,有吃有玩有表演,有小朋友的活動,有我們等您!

天主教的攤位將設立在遊園會裡,當天有十五年歌唱經驗的聖詠團,九月初才出版的CD,專誠致送,歡迎您帶回家欣賞。請來吧,9月29、30日兩天的上午10:00到下午5:00,我們都在。如果您約朋友同來,這 Cupertino Memorial Park,就在 Stevens Creek Blvd 旁, De Anza College的對面。請參考網站



灣區天主教網頁: [聖荷西華人天主教會] [中半島華人天主教會] [費利蒙天主教華人團體] [聯合市天主教華人團體]

其他天主教網頁: [天主教資訊小集] [天主教亞洲真理電台] [香港天主教教友總會]

舊金山灣區綜合聯絡電話: (408)983-0211

Monday, September 24, 2007


Dear All,

The books are on line now.

艾曼麗修女神示錄‧耶穌受苦記 :
艾曼麗修女視示錄‧耶穌被葬記 :
艾曼麗修女神視錄‧耶穌復活記 :
艾曼麗修女神示錄‧教會起初記 :
艾曼麗神女神示錄‧聖母升天記 :

艾丽蔓修女神视录列表 :


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 9/21 The Passion of Christ

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

This week Arthur will continue to lead us to study the Passion of Christ in the later chapters of Luke's Gospel. We will pick up from where we left off from Chapter 10 next week. Let us prepare our hearts to experience the deepness of God's mercy for all through meditating on our Lord's passion.

God Bless,


Monday, September 17, 2007

SJC Carnival info 9/28-5:00pm~9/30-4:40pm - Vincent

Dear Friends,

Here is SJC school Carnival info (two page pdf file). Please have a look and feel free to let me or Maria know if you like to buy tickets for rides and food (now it is 50% for pre-ordering). Or you can see following link for more details.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Advent Weekend Retreat Information/Maria

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Attached are more information and registration form for the Advent retreat. Please let me know as soon as you can if you would like to attend the retreat. There is limited space, so act fast to avoid disappointment...
God Bless,
Maria Wong

From: Cris Chen
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 11:12 AM
To: Isabel Chou; Steve Chu; Jimmy Chen; Jenny Pama; Nick Lo; Wong, Maria; Kam Chow; Shanguh Huang; Helena Ru; Karen; Robert Huang; Teresa Niou; Miao-Li Wu; Lu Lu Ho; Maria Ku
Cc: Rae Yang; Ana Tsai
Subject: Advent Weekend Retreat Information

Dear All:
Attached, please find the Advent Weekend Retreat information files for your group's reference. The information includes:
1. Retreat Flyer;
2. Retreat Registration Form;
3. Retreat Fee & Donation
Please let me know if you do have any concern or question regarding Retreat issue, you can send me e-mail.
In Crist,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 9/14 The Passion of Christ

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
This week Arthur will lead us to study the Passion of Christ in the later chapters of Luke's Gospel. We will pick up from where we left off from Chapter 10 next week. Let us prepare our hearts to feel the deepness of God's mercy for all through meditating on our Lord's passion.

God Bless,

Monday, September 10, 2007

Workshop Announcements/Rae

y dear all,

Fr. Sun's talk should be very important and helpful to
our service life. Please consider to participate.

In Christ Rae

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thanks to the efforts of the "Faith is our foundation" team, we'll have two very special workshops held in September and the coming months, one for the enhancement to the way we serve in church, and the other is a serial of spiritual exercise sessions to improve our personal spiritual life. Please see the attached announcements for more detailed information.
In Christ,





地點 St Claire, Parish Hall (Main Hall)





12/8-15/2007: 日常生活神操 地點:Fremont 某教友家,每天與神父談話45分鐘

1/4-13/2008: 八天聖依納爵神操避靜 地點:Los Altos 耶穌會避靜中心

4/11-20/2008: 八天聖依納爵神操避靜 地點:Los Altos 耶穌會避靜中心

每一個神操單元只有六個名額 有興趣者請盡早與Fremont教友饒瑞美報名

cornerstone bible study Q4 2007 sign up sheet/Michelle

Hi everyone,
It's time to sign up for next quarter bible study. Please review the attached file. If you know any date which will be interfered with other event, please let me know. I will bring the sheet for sign up on Friday.

St Joseph of Cupertino Feast day : 9/16 (Sunday)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As you know, St. Joseph of Cupertino Church is celebrating her feast day this Sunday. There will be celebration festivities after 11:00am Mass this Sunday, including different kinds of ethnic food. To show our appreciation for their support for our Bible study group, it would be great if we can join in the celebration. They are in need of ethnic food. They also welcome anyone who can help serve food. If you plan to be there and can bring a food item, please let me know ahead of time by replying to this email.

I will be at the 11:00am Mass and will bring a food item to share (most likely fried rice or fried noodle). If you plan to attend 11:00am Mass, you can drop off the food before Mass. We can meet up and attend Mass together. But if you are not attending Mass but will be there for the celebration and is bringing a food item, please drop off the food by 11:30am.

The link below to their bulletin has some information on the feast day celebration:

We will discuss this on Friday.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 9/7: Catholic Catechism Discussion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
Please read the articles ahead of time.

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 8/24 "The Father gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
In this week's Gospel passage, Jesus told his disciples: "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened." What powerful promises! Jesus' examples also illustrates what some of the things we may ask for: A fish, an egg, loaves of bread from a son asking his father. Indeed, these are all the things that our heavenly father already knows we need and will supply according to our needs. What else should we be fearful of? But above all else, if we ask for the Holy Spirit, our heavenly father will grant that to us in abundance. The Holy Spirit is indeed a most precious gift God gives, one through which we receive all the blessings of the Lord!

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 8/17 "Love your neighbor as yourself"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

This week's Gospel is the very familiar story of the good Samaritan. Jesus used this story to answer the question a lawyer posed to him on what he should do to inherit eternal life. The lawyer knows that the law could be summerized as love God and love your neighbor. The challenge Jesus posed to him and to us is "Do this! and you will live". If we are honest with ourselves, we know that we often set limits/boundaries on whom we choose to love. It is impossible by our own means to love just about anyone, including people we find objectionable, and be moved to compassion by the person's needs alone, like how the good Samaritan did. It is no wonder that the law places loving God with all our heart, soul , strength and mind before that. What we can't do ourselves, in God, we can.

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 8/3 "I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

Jesus sent forth his disciples and gave detailed instructions on how they should conduct themselves. In the same way, he is calling each and every one of us today. I quote the following from "A devotional commentary of Luke's Gospel":

""Mission" can mean many things. It can mean honoring and praising God right where you are, thanking him for all he has given us in Christ. It can mean bringing our children to know Jesus. If we are young, it can mean caring for the old. If we are old, it can mean praying for the young. It can mean bearing witness to the lordship of Jesus in our daily lives. Any deed performed in love and joy can be a way of fulfilling our mission here on earth."

It's great to know we do not have to be great "missionaries" who travel to far away places to perform our mission. Though some of us may be called to do that, it's where we are placed that we can start to proclaim the peace of Christ by allowing our example to infect others with the desire to love.

God Bless,


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 7/27 "he who is least among you is the one who is great"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

To be the least requires great humility. Yet, it is Jesus' promise to us that the least among you will be the greatest. There is often a very subtle but greatly distinct difference between humility and insecurity; between self-confidence and self-importance. Insecurity leads to self-importance or self-centerness. Humbling ourselves before God can only lead us to greater grace, trust and confidence in everything that we undertake.

"Dear God, help us fix our eyes upon the cruxified Christ and learn the way to greater communion with you by walking a humble and obedient path." We pray in Jesus' name.

God Bless,

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 7/20 "Let him take up his cross and follow me"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

I was watching a Christian program on TV. The pastor speaks about a powerful insight and program he would like all to know and embrace as a way to fully live an abundant life. That is Gods' Promise, Problem and Providence he has for each one of us. The argument goes like this: just like the Isralites were being led out of Egypt, God gave his people a Promise of freedom, he than gave them a Problem (being in the wilderness) and lastly he fulfills his promise through his infinite Providence in the promised land (For those who survived the problem to see it). He said the only way out of a Problem is "go through it" to receive God's Providence.

In Chapter 9 of Luke's gospel, Jesus talks about denying ourselves, taking up our cross daily and follow him. It's convenient to think about our crosses as problems that God gave us to solve in order that we are fit to claim God's providence when we solved it. Does Jesus have a deeper meaning here in what really are our crosses?? Come share your thoughts....

God Bless,


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 7/13: Albert's Pilgrimage trip to Israel

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

God Bless,


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 6/29: The disciples were sent to preach the Kingdom of God

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

In this week's Gospel passage, St. Luke is speaking about the theme of God's message and messengers. The message is the Good News, proclaiming God's Kingdom and the way to salvation. The messengers are the disciples that Jesus sent forth and John the Baptist who came before Jesus proclaiming a message of repentence and reconciliation with God. Clearly there are people who will reject the message and in the case of King Herod, even tries to bury the message by killing the messenger.

We too are called to be messengers of God. Dear Jesus, we know that no matter how much opposition we may face, if we resolve, like you, to love everyone and forgive every offense, your kingdom will advance. We ask the Spirit to make us more like you, proclaiming the good news of salvation wherever we go. In Jesus' name we pray

God Bless,

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 5/18: "To him who has will more be given."

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

Through our baptism and the many callings/invitations that God has made to us every day of our lives, he has planted the seed and lit the lamp. Whether this seed will multiply a hundred fold or the lamp shines for those who enter, depends on how we hear and act upon it. "Jesus, how weak are we and slow of heart. Send us your Holy Spirit and help us to put off everything that deadens our ability to respond to you. Help us to live as your true disciples, and by so doing, bring your presence into the world". We ask this through Christ our Lord.

God Bless,


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 5/10: Catholic Catechism discussion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

Please read the articles ahead of time.

God Bless,


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 5/4: "Your sins are forgiven"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

For those whose sins were forgiven much, also loves much... Such was what Jesus pointed out to his disciples through the extraordinary shower of love and honor to Jesus, the woman in Luke's displayed publicly.

Dear Lord, please teach us each day to see how our sinful ways find complete forgiveness and mercy in you, not so we can feel guilty, but so we can experience the complete freedom in obedience to your will. Help us make it through each day, with little steps of increasing faith to attain greater love for and in closer communion with you. we ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

God Bless,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 4/27 - Special Parenting Talk

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

God Bless,


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 4/13: The story of Creation

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

Father Marvin will continue this talk on Genesis. This week, he will focus on Chapter 3 - original sin. Thank you father for spending the time with us and nourishing us with spiritual food! Please come to this highly enlightening talk!

God Bless,

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 3/23: "not even in Israel have I seen such faith!"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

In this chapter of Luke’s gospel, not only are we seeing examples of great faith, Jesus’ compassion on the faithful and the sorrowful, Jesus also taught us how is it that we can recognize and be completely confident that he is the messiah.

Let us focus on Jesus’ compassion on us for a moment, and reflect upon how it fills us with compassion for others, especially those in our families and those who have no knowledge of his great love and mercy.

God Bless,


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 3/9: The story of Creation

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

We are very blessed to have Fr. Marvin Deutsch lead us in a talk on the Catholic view of the first 3 chapters of the book of Genesis and how it tells the story of creation. How should we view evolution vs. intelligent design by a creator - God himself. The talk will be in English. If you have one, please bring an English Bible. If not, it's ok - do not let this be a reason to miss this great opportunity to learn how to share our faith with others (and in not too distant a future - with our children) in this highly debated and often controversial topic. Lucia will print copies of the English/Chinese versions of Chapters 1-3 of Genesis.

God Bless,


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 3/2: Catholic Catechism discussion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

This week, we will have our bi-monthly discussion to get to know more about the Catholic faith catechism. May God bless and guide us that through these, we can gradually be more equipped and confident in sharing our faith with non believers.

God Bless,

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2/9: Parenting Talk

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

This week, we will not have our usual Bible study. Instead, Angela's mom has graciously accepted our invitation to share her experience and knowledge on Parenting. The talk will start promptly at 8pm. There will not be a praise and worship session this week.

God Bless,


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 2/1: "Love your enemies"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

Father, we praise you for sharing your perfect love with us through Christ. We thank you for every opportunity to practice humility. May our obedience glorify you!"

God Bless,

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 1/26: "all night, he continued in prayer to God"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

It is so fitting that after our catechism discussion last week about prayer, we begin with week's Bible study by seeing how Jesus prayed to his heavenly Father before his important mission of choosing the twelve disciples. Prayer to his heavely Father was the starting point for everything that Jesus said and did while on this earth. If Jesus, who is Lord and Messian prays, what better recommendation can we have for the importance of prayer in our own lives?

God Bless,


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 1/19: Catholic Catechism discussion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here is the information for this week's Bible study.

This week, we will have our bi-monthly discussion to get to know more about the Catholic faith catechism. Please read the articles ahead of time and come prepared for the discussion. May God bless and guide us that through these, we can gradually be more equipped and confident in sharing our faith with non believers.

God Bless,
