Here is the information for this week's Bible study.
- Bible Study: Luke 5:12, Corinna will lead
- Date/Time: 12/15 (Friday) 8:00pm
- Location: St. Joseph of Cupertino School. 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino. (click on link below for map)
- 8-8:30pm - Children sing along praise and worship session. Mike will be our family worship leader. Please arrive promptly
- Snacks: Lucia will bring snacks. Please bring beverage for your own and your children's needs.
"Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick;I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Luke 5:31-32). We must all know that Jesus' call is a personal invitation to us. Let us accept his call and follow him.
God Bless,